The Centerville Elementary took part in the Kids Heart Challenge put on by the American Heart Association. The students raised just over $3000 for this great cause. The student that raised the highest dollar amount in each class had the opportunity to spray some silly string on Mr. Fischer. Great work students!

Themes for state basketball!

There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, March 13th and Friday, March 14th to allow students, staff, and parents the opportunity to cheer on the Tornadoes at the State B Basketball tournament in Huron. GO TORNADOES!

**State Girls Basketball Information for the week**
3/11 8:00 am Team Breakfast at Centerville Care and Rehab
3/12 9:00 am Team Send Off Purple gym
9:30 am Bus departs for Huron via 19A and19
3/13 **No School**
12:00 pm Girls Basketball Game vs Deubrook @ Huron Arena
3/14 **No School**
Girls Basketball Game Time and Opponent to be determined @ Huron Arena
3/15 Girls Basketball Game Time and Opponent to be determined @ Huron Arena
3/16 2:00 pm Welcome home Girls State Basketball Team (might change due to weather)
**Tickets are available for presale on Bound via credit card: https://tickets.gobound.com/tickets/events/h20250124050045438f57923a81c884d/checkout
They will also be available at the box office. They will accept check or cash**

3/8/25 Pops concert tonight in the Purple gym. Head over at 5:00 pm to enjoy some soup and dessert. 6:00 pm the entertainment will begin. Come out and see the local talent we have in our vocal choir and band departments.
This is a fundraiser for the Music Booster department. There will not be a livestream.

3/8/25: The boys played great last night and one a nail biter to advance on. They will take on the Viborg-Hurley Cougars at 2:00 pm today in Hurley. Head over and cheer the players and coaches on!
Live Stream link is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT6jzWRMSiY

3/7/2025 7:00 pm BBB Region 4B vs Tripp-Delmont/Armour @ Home
Winner advances to play tomorrow at 2pm location /opponent to be determined. Come out and fill the stands as our boys start postseason play. Good luck to players and coaches!
Game will be livestreamed at: https://tornadoes.liveticket.tv/
Listen to Joe VanGoor and Cole Larsch for the basketball action

Good morning. This is Superintendent Michael Fischer. The Centerville School District will have a 10:00 start today, Friday, March 7th due to road conditions. Thank you, have a good morning, stay safe and GO TORNADOES!

SoDak 16 Gameday for the Girls Basketball team
Theme today is Purple and Gold
2:45 pm Community Pep Rally in the purple gym
4:10 send off through downtown and highway 19
7:15 pm Centerville vs Faulkton Area @ Madison High School
Winner advances to the State Tournament in Huron
Good luck to all the players and coaches! Let's pack the Madison High School gym and show the girls the support they deserve.
Livestream will be available on tornadoes liveticket tv.
Thanks to Joe Van Goor and Charlie Prien for making the trip for us.

The 4th Grade students visited the Sioux Empire Water Festival in Sioux Falls today. This festival was a great opportunity for the students to increase their awareness of the many uses of water and to preserve its quality for future generations. One of the demonstrations that they were able to be a part of was a presentation by the Centerville Rotary Club and the some of the Ed Rising students from the Centerville High School.

Calling all past and present musicians! Your talent is required for our pep rally tomorrow at 2:45 pm. Dust off your favorite instrument and join the pep band. If you don't have an instrument but want to participate Mrs. Herrboldt will help you out!

Good afternoon. The Centerville School District will have a 1:00 dismissal today-Tuesday, March 4th. There will be no afternoon preschool. Thank you, stay safe, and Go Tornadoes!

**New Region Boys Schedule**
Friday 3/7/25 7 pm Centerville vs Tripp-Delmont/Armour @ Home
The winner of that game will advance to play Saturday 3/8/25 at 2 pm Location to be determined.

3/4/25 The boy's region basketball game tonight is postponed. We are working on details for a makeup date/time.

Updated Region 4B Boys Basketball bracket. Note the new start times to try and avoid the weather. 6:00 pm Tripp-Delmont/Armour vs Centerville @ Home. Come out and support our athletes and coaches!

This week we turn the spotlight to our wonderful School Counselor, Mrs. Alyssa Lindstrom! A Centerville alum, Mrs. Lindstrom continues to give back to our school in countless ways. From elementary all the way up to graduation she is teaching life skills and preparing our students for the world. She is a fantastic resource for both students and staff in our building, and provides a constant positive support system for us all. Thank you Mrs. Lindstrom for all that you do!
Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Lindstrom - Professional School Counselor
About Me -
I have been blessed to call Centerville home for most of my life. I attended K-12 school in Centerville, graduating in 2011. I then went off to college at SDSU (Go Jacks!) where I received my Undergraduate Degree in Psychology & Human Development Family Studies & my Master’s Degree in School Counseling. I married my husband, Kyle, right after graduate school and we started our family in the Lake Preston/De Smet area. I was the school counselor in De Smet for 3 years before coming back home to Centerville. We had one daughter, Adaline, while living up north and when our second, Aisley, was on the way, it was a perfect time to transition back to Centerville to be near family. Thankfully, the school counseling job in Centerville opened up at that time! I have now been the school counselor in Centerville for 5 years and we have since added one more to our crazy crew, Kashdyn. We love raising and chasing after our three kiddos. Adaline is in Kindergarten, Aisley is 4 and will be starting Pre-K next year, & Kashdyn is 1. I am so thankful that our kids get to grow up in the amazing district where I attended school and now work!
Favorites -
Color – Purple
Animal – Horses
Hobby – Chasing after kids, Reading, Watching a good binge-worthy TV series
Food - Pasta
Drink – Coffee
Memory -
I have so many great memories at CHS already that it is hard to choose just one. I think the girls celebrating their state championship win last year definitely falls at the top of the list. To watch our team pull their weekend competition together to help them celebrate was truly breathtaking. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more proud to be a Tornado. I know that night left an impression on all who were in attendance (some of the elementary students still talk about that night when we do lessons on teamwork, sportsmanship, gratitude, etc.).
Why Statement -
I did not originally choose to be in the world of education, but I am so thankful for the way my story played out! I first went to college to become a Pharmacist. After I realized that college Chemistry was not for me, I quickly changed my major to Psychology. As I was nearing the end of my 4 years of undergraduate studies, I knew that I needed to go on to grad school to really be able to do anything with my degree. As I was researching options, I had an “Aha” moment. When I started reading about the School Counseling graduate program, I knew instantly that was for me. I wanted to be the person that students could come and talk to about anything. I wanted to make a difference in kids’ lives.
I am extremely grateful that my path changed in college. I love coming to school every day knowing that I get to support our students whether it be with academics, social-emotional needs, or career exploration. Everything I do is for them and it has been SO rewarding!

We are running a fun, raffle-like game called HoopsMania to raise money for a few of our Educators Rising Chapter members to attend National Conference in Orlando, Florida. Would you be willing to support us and buy a ticket? You could win $1,000 in prizes! Visit our fundraiser page to contribute or learn more. Thank You! https://www.charitymania.com/give/LF04B-9

The Kids Heart Challenge has officially kicked off today for the Centerville Elementary. Get your kids signed up if you have not already done so. We have a shorter window for getting donations this year as the Kids Heart Challenge will end on Friday. Thank you for contributing to this great cause!

It is a very busy week for the Tornadoes! Good luck to all participants.

SoDak 16 Girls basketball is set. We will travel to Madison to take on the Faulkton Area Trojans around 7:15 pm next Thursday March 6 . There will be a pep rally for the community at 2:45 pm that day. More details to come as the game approaches.