4/19 JH Track Cancelled
4/20 HS Golf Cancelled
4/20 HS Track is still a go
Please stay up to date by checking the schools calendar on the website. Often times the printed ones are changing.

The April 15th Tornado Times edition is hot off the press. Hard copies can be purchased at One American Bank, Lewis Drug, or the school library.

Wellness Center Re-Opening Update: The School Board will reassess the re-opening of the wellness center after demolition has been completed for the kitchen addition/remodeling project.

Congratulations to the following students for advancing onto the State FFA Contest held in Rapid City! Please wish them luck as you see them! We will be leaving Sunday morning and returning Tuesday evening.
Lane Hansen- Receiving State Degree
Bailey Hansen- Landscape Management Proficiency Award (She will find out if she placed 1st or 2nd in the state.)
Natural Resources Team- Lane Hansen, Lane Johnson, Bailey Hansen and Denver Anderson
Floriculture Team- Alyssa Brandsrud, Addyson Brandsrud, Ruby Kirk and Charleigh Walters
Livestock Judging Team- Cyrus Rasmussen and Shane Rist (Shane qualified in Natural Resources but only 4 can compete as a team at state so he volunteered to try Livestock Judging.)
Good luck to them all!

The middle school track meet scheduled for today in Scotland will be made up tomorrow, with a 1pm start. Thank you,

Good Morning: The middle school track meet scheduled for today at Scotland has been cancelled due to weather conditions. Thank you

Please see attached our Yearbook order form. Forms and payment are due to the office by April 30th. The 2020-2021 yearbooks are $30. If you have questions contact Mr. DeJong.

Each month the NHS students choose two staff members, one from the elementary level and one from the secondary level, of the Centerville School District for "Educator of the Month," for the previous month. Educators are chosen for their commitment to scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Attached are pictures NHS members Bailey Hansen, Mya Bendt, Sophie Eide, and Jaelynn Buckneberg presenting the certificate to Mrs. Kelly Ostrem and Mrs. Sarah Skatvold. (not pictured: Haley Meyer, Alyssa Brandsrud, Gracie Bjordal, and Lane Johnson) Congratulations to both for being chosen by the NHS to be March's Educators of the Month! We appreciate all the time, effort, and contributions that they have made to the Centerville School District.

Thank you to all that worked yesterday at the Lounsbery Early Bird. We had a great day with some beautiful weather (little windy). We will host our next track meet on April 13 starting at 1 pm. It will be another big day to show off our facilities and town. It takes several people to run a track meet. If you can spare the time we would love to have you. Without help from the community these meets would not be possible. Thanks again!!

Good Morning: If you have a child that will be 4 years old by September 1st or you know someone that has a child that falls in that age category please call to schedule a time for preschool screening. Our 4 year old preschool program runs Monday-Friday with session in the morning or afternoon. There is no cost for the program. See the attached flyer for more information, call 605-563-2291 to schedule a screening time.

Check out the April 1st, 2021 newsletter. Hard copies of the newsletter are available at the school library, One American Bank, and Lewis Drug. An electronic version will be on the school website shortly.

Track meet schedule for Monday Lounsbery Early Bird @ Centerville.

The Centerville High School will be hosting their prom on Saturday, March 27th at 7pm. Those interested in attending in person are required to wear a mask. The district will be livestreaming the grand march via the district's Facebook account. Thank you

Good Morning:
Just as a reminder, we will be having a noon dismissal today for teacher in-service.

Track meet 3/29/21 Lounsbery Early Bird. We are still in need of some people that could run a stopwatch starting at 1 pm. Please notify Mr. Edberg if you are available. Help support our amazing athletes and show off our sports complex!!
doug.edberg@k12.sd.us or 605-563-2291

Registration for the clay target league team will close on Friday. If you have any questions, please see our previous post or call 605-563-2291.

Good Morning 6th-12th grade students and parents: A clay target shooting league team is being formed. Please see the information attached to the below link. This team and opportunity is open to any students in 6th-12th grade. Any students interested in this opportunity and activity should sign up with Mr. Knight, if you have any questions, please call 605-563-2291.

The Centerville School District will be holding our Child Development Fair on Thursday, April 29th. The screenings are open to any child 3-5 years old not currently enrolled in a Centerville School program. Please call 605-563-2291 to schedule an appointment.

Get your March 15, 2021 newsletters at the library vestibule, Lewis Drug, or One American Bank.

Good Morning: We will have no school today, March 15th. Stay safe!